This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! -Psalms 118:24

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sorry, I have been MIA!

Hey everybody!! It has been so crazy busy hectic around here - I haven't even had time to think about a blog post!  Sorry!! It has been non-stop since we closed on our house August 26th! I am happy to report that as of today all that is left to paint is the master bathroom and the kids' playroom.  Yeah for that! I actually enjoy painting but am really tired of it consuming my life.  I do, however, sit back at the end of MY day (which is usually about 5 hours after the end of the kids' day) and am impressed at how far this house has come in a months time! We had lots and lots of help the weekend we moved in - which was of course - completely appreciated since I was still recovering from surgery.  I hated having to sit back and watch the work that I wanted to be doing be done by someone else.  I did do too much and have paid for it since but all is good now! And I am improving daily.  I still don't have time to do much of a post but I am going to include some before and after pictures of the house.  WE ARE ALMOST DONE! (well, as done as we are going to be right now - tiled floors, new countertops, and a privacy fence are future projects!) That is like music to my ears :)

Kitchen before...

Kitchen after...

Dining area / pantry before...

Dining area / pantry after...

Back of living room - before

Back of living room - after...

 Front of living room - before...

Front of living room - after

Hope everyone is having a great week!  I will post again soon.  I promise ;-)  I am actually doing some craft projects right now and will have a post about those soon! 

God Bless,

p.s. oh yah, and could you please keep us in your prayers - we are trying to figure out some things in our life right now (ie. a new church home and what God is calling Shane and I to do- just lots to figure out). And prayers are always welcomed! 

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